Modeling and Data visualization

3D primate home-range use and ranging analysis (Rstudio, rayshader::plot_gg); 2021

3D home range use and ranging of six groups of red-tailed monkey (Rstudio, package: rayshader); 2021

Home ranges of six groups of red-tailed monkeys, calculated using 95% and 50% kernel density estimates (entire home range and core, respectively; QGIS and Rstudio). Ranging data was collected using group center-of-mass GPS locations logged every 30 minutes from dawn to dusk throughout the study period. Kibale National Park, Uganda (2011-2015).

Evaluation of Conservation Potential in Santa Barbara - ArcGIS analysis and modeling, 2018

Model Design for the above map - GIS analysis and modeling, 2018

Sea Level Rise in Santa Barbara - ArcGIS analysis and modeling, 2018

Niche partitioning in Rock Iguanas (Cyclura spp.), Dominican Republic - IUCN Iguana Specialist Group meeting. Kingston, Jamaica 2013

Mathematical Modeling of Primate Mating Systems - Primate Behavioral Ecology Research Showcase, Spring 2012